Sample poll. Should the state give free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should the state provide free healthcare & education to all?
Sample poll. Should corporate companies be allowed in the agriculture sector?
Anybody losing a job or not getting a job gets a monthly social security allowance.
Should there be a ceiling on the amount of land, people and companies can purchase?
Land reform bill - putting a ceiling on the holding of industrial, agricultural & residential land
Food for all
Housing for all
Electricity for all
Cooking gas for all
Fixed monthly social security allowance for the unemployed and the unemployeable (old, physically, visually or mentally challenged etc.)
Health security for all
Education for all
Promotion of private business
Promotion of sports
Promotion of science & technology
Promotion of art, culture & cinema
Infrastructure for the whole country (road, highways, electricity suuply, bridges etc.)
Infrastructure for the whole country (road, highways, electricity suuply, bridges etc.)
Promotion of religion
Maintainence of law & order
Justice & judicial systems
Investment in government companies (like railways, oil companies, banks etc.)
Public safety (road, train travel etc. Fire, other accidents)
Protection from natural calamities
Military & weapons
Government ministry & department expenses
Rapes & sexual harassment
Terrorist activities
Acts of sedition
Words of sedition
Acts of communal riots
Words of communal hatred
Encroaching public property
Encroaching someones private property
Illegal immigration
Indecent public behaviour or nuisance